About Us

What is Murzzy?

About Us

The Murzzy mission necessitates fostering social responsibility and mutual cooperation instead of corporate greed and profit maximization. Therefore, we aspire to realize the balance between profit and benefit; between competition and cooperation; and ultimately between personal gratification and social good.  Therefore, we designed the Murzzy logo to emphasize the ethos of responsibility. The ‘R’ is our interpretation of the symbol of ethos that is defined by the online Merriam-Webster dictionary as “the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution.”

This is why every day, we make a conscious choice hopefully in line with our customers, partners, and supporters to put this, our collective sentiment into action, which brings us to our name.  Murzzy actually means choice so if we can succeed in delivering socially responsible insurance products and services to our customers, they will be empowered to make the responsible choice – a choice that will matter because it will stimulate meaningful change in the greater insurance landscape.  We have taken the first step in this direction by partnering with SORIN.

Please stay in touch with us through our blog as well as connecting with us on FacebookTwitter, and by joining our email list so that we can all participate and cooperate in establishing socially responsible insurance as a viable alternative to conventional insurance